A Perfect Day in Aspen, Sunset, December 2016

A new art museum, farm-focused restaurants, and on-trend indie shops make this storied ski town about more than Gucci and Gulfstreams. Art-museum makeover A good deal of controversy still lingers over the incongruously huge, blocky building that Pritzker Prize–winning Japanese architect ShigeruBan had designed for the formerly diminutive Aspen Art Museum. But three things are…

Surftown Rising, AFAR

Surftown Rising, AFAR, Nov/Dec 2016

Mexico’s once-sleepy Puerto Escondido is poised for prime time—and a new highway promises to let everyone in on the secret. When it opens in 2018, the Oaxaca coastal highway will shrink the drive from Oaxaca City to Puerto Escondido from seven hours down to two. Go before that floodgate opens to savor a swath of Pacific…

If You Build It, Will They Hike? Backpacker

If You Build It, Will They Hike? Backpacker, March 2016

You can now discover the other Caribbean on Dominica’s new long trail. But should you? The rumble coming from somewhere off in the rainforest should cue me to trouble. I’m hiking toward 275-foot Middleham Falls, the tallest cascade on the Caribbean island of Dominica, and I expect to see what I’d previewed in photos: A…